Watch the complete conference playlist.

Claudia Aguirre

Heidi Duckler
Artistic Director

Dara Frimmer

Neil Garg
Faculty, UCLA Department of Chemistry

Duff Goldman
Pastry Chef, Charm City Cakes

Joan Hanawi
UCLA B.A. International Development & Geography/Environmental Studies '15

Tania Israel
Faculty, UCSB Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology

Adi Jaffe
Lecturer, UCLA Department of Psychology

Eve Lahijani
Nutritional Scientist

Andrea Letamendi
Associate Director, UCLA Residential Life

Andy Lipkis
Founder, TreePeople

Emeran Mayer
Faculty, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Kamil Oshundara X
UCLA B.A. Theater '17

Susan Packard
Co-Founder, Scripps Networks Interactive

Roger Sherman
Architect & Urban Designer

Don Vaughn
Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior
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