Watch the complete conference playlist.
Peter Abraham
Creator & Entrepreneur
Dalida Arakelian
Founder, Mindful Music at UCLA
Isadora Dantas
UCLA MBA Candidate, Anderson School of Business
Andrew Jones
Programmer & Inventor, USC Institute for Creative Technology
Mikael Jorgensen
Music Producer
Raphael Landovitz
Medical Researcher, UCLA CARE Center
Jonathan Massachi
UCLA B.S. Bioengineering '18
Paul McCarthy
Martial Arts Instructor
Janet O'Shea
Faculty, UCLA Department of World Arts and Cultures
Kristen Paglia
CEO, P.S. Arts
Jay Phelan
Faculty, UCLA Life Sciences Core Program
Tara Prescott
UCLA Faculty in Residence
Kazandra Santana
Creator, Golden Shoes Project
Alireza Shabani
Scientist, Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab
Tom Weisner
Professor Emeritus, UCLA Departments of Anthropology & Psychiatry
Erica Wohldmann
Associate Professor, Cal State Northridge
Victoria Young
UCLA B.A. Communication Studies '14
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