TEDxUCLA 2016: Push. Pull. Stretch.
The Power of Music in Unexpected Places
About Dalida

Dalida Arakelian is the Founder and Executive Director of Mindful Music at UCLA
The musical experiences seen earlier today represent an idea inviting you to challenge the traditional notion of music as a destination, whether it is at a festival or a concert hall. It introduces a new way for music to be seen, heard, understood, and discovered to enhance your day.
As we all know, the workplace environment, from campus to office building to hospital, is dominated by the expected routine of overwhelming tasks and pressures. You may find yourself rushing, attached to your handheld device, earbuds in, and losing track of the moment. And at the same time, talented musicians are creating, practicing, and playing beautiful music, all tucked away.
Now what can happen if the typical wall between talent and population were broken? Bringing live musical experiences intentionally built into the day to unexpected spaces allows the community to take a moment and see the beauty in the unexpected.
This idea has been spreading over the past two years at UCLA, the driving force behind Mindful Music, which addresses the monotony of daily life by bringing experiences between class, exams, and work. Live music is known to shift mindstates instantly, creating an engaging environment for all to connect in real time and refresh.
How can the unexpected impact your day? Imagine exiting a dreadful midterm exam or a long meeting and turn the corner to find.
A performance.
Integrating live music can balance a high stress environment. Serve as a bridge between physicians and patients. And rest your mind into the moment. Thank you.